Wednesday, May 22, 2024

My heartbeat is at my feet.

It's May, the weather is pleasant, and the birds are singing, and I woke up a bit earlier than usual. 7am to be exact. The wind was blowing a cool breeze into the bedroom, the blanket was covering my eyes from the light also coming in the window, I was in complete bliss with my two loves snuggled in close still snoring away. Except for one problem. I had to pee. No matter how hard I try and how much I debate on just letting it go in the bed, (you know you have considered it too.) I have yet figured out how to control my brain and bladder to cooperate with me until I am ready. So, I was awake. Now, we all have our wake-up morning routines, some are full of activities, others are quiet and peaceful. Personally, I like the quiet ease into the day type mornings, I also don't like to start any kind of work until after Noon at least so there's that. Almost every day for the last 3 years, my mornings have looked like this wake up, go to the bathroom, let Dixie out to potty, start some coffee or grab a drink, light a cigarette and sit for a few minutes. When the weather lets me, I enjoy grabbing all of my stuff and sitting outside with Dixie. Watching her explore the yard for the morning, checking on the other animals, listening to the birds, waiting on me to say the magic words, "Ya ready to get your breakfast?" 

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